Friday, January 3, 2014

2013 Real Estate Statistics

Talk about two years being close together. Sales of all North County real estate types were up 1% in 2013 over 2012. Active listings on the market are up 8% from the same time last year. The average price of a home in the Northern SLO county also rose from $378,000 to $389,000 for a gain of 2% over 2012. 
So what does this tell us? To put this in proper perspective, at the end of 2011 , the average sales price of a home for that year was $316,000 so there was a 16% rise in the value of a home in our area from 2011 to 2012. In 2013 that raise in values rose slightly but for all intents and purposes held steady. What this tells me is that we have a stable market with it being neither a seller’s or a buyer’s market but one in which home prices are realistic for the economy we are in.